NSE tasks FG on science, technical education

The Society of Engineers (NSE) has tasked the federal government on the need to promote science and technical education in the country.
This call was made by the Chairman, Society of Engineers (NSE) Kaduna branch, Engr. Dr. Abdulrasheed Babalola, during the third edition of the inter -secondary school quiz competition organized by the society in the state.
Babalola, while fielding questions from journalists, had expressed the society’s determination to take science and technical education to its height. The aim of the competition, he pointed out, is to groom the younger generation for a better tomorrow.
As to his impression on the turn-out and standard of the competing schools, he said “this quiz –competition is targeted at promoting science and technical education in our schools.
“For you to get things working, you have to start from the basis. We have sent our various standards to all the schools before today and I am happy the standard of our secondary schools from what we have seen today, both the government and private schools are all performing. All that is needed is for us stakeholders to ensure that the right thing is enforced right from this level of academics. I am really impressed.”
Babalola called on well-meaning Nigerians to help in contributing their quota to the development of our educational sector as government alone could not do everything.
He called on well-meaning Nigerians including civil societies to help in contributing towards the growth of the sector, saying government alone could not do everything.
Also speaking, the chairperson of the committee, Engr Dr. Francisca, who described the competition as an inter-show of knowledge said such competitions have positive impacts on the students’
“I am very excited. The number of schools we invited actually came and everything went on well. The schools were actually interacting and sharing knowledge amongst each other. It is good.
Concerning the standard of the schools, she said, “they are very outstanding. Our focus is on science students and from my assessment so far, they are very outstanding. Their schools l must say are doing well in science and technology.