NNPP ‘ll win 2027 guber polls in Ogun state – Ajadi

The gubernatorial candidate of New Nigeria People’s Party (NNPP), in Ogun state, Ambassador Olufemi Ajadi Oguntoyinbo, has said the party would win the 2027 governorship election in Ogun state.

Ambassador stated this in Ibadan while speaking during his investiture as patron of Correspondents’ chapel of Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Oyo State council on Saturday. 

He stressed in his lecture entitled “Contesting in Nigeria’s 2023 general elections: Ogun state experience”,  that he had a terrible experience during the campaign for the 2023 general elections.

Expressing his displeasure over the last governorship election, Ambassador Ajadi said he was not satisfied with the outcome of the 2023 gubernatorial election in the state.

He also said many residents of the state who were ready to vote for the party, could not find the name of party on the ballot paper as the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) omitted the name of party on the ballot papers during the election. 

“If we are going to re-contest the election again, I am sure of my party’s victory in the state. If we are to conduct the election again, I am sure of my party’s victory. I am not comfortable with the outcome of the election due to how INEC robbed our party because they know that Nigerians are clamouring for a new Nigeria.And as a result of that they do not want any political party to come up aside the two giant political parties in the country; APC and PDP”, he said.