NNL: Why abridged league is the best option – Atete

One of the key stakeholders Julius Atete has highlighted why the majority of the NNL clubs supported and approved the abridged league for the 2020/21 football season.

Atete told Blueprint sports in Abuja that “since we want to align our calendar with the European season, there is no other option for us than to play abridged league because we are running out of time. The European season started almost two months ago. Some countries have played up to Week 11 while in England they are already in Week 8

“If everything runs according to schedule, we are going to end the season before May ends which is still in order. Time is not on our side. The logistics to run a full season for a 42 club league is also massive and we must be honest to admit that we don’t have it”

He enjoined all other stakeholders to rally round the NNL to have a crisis free season and called on referees to be up and doing in discharging their duties in an impeccable manner

 It will be recalled that the NNL Stakeholders have  unanimously adopted the abridged format for the 2020/2021 season with 42 clubs divided in groups A1, A2, B1,B2  Northern and southern conference respectively, subject to its congress ratification.

According to the communique issued at the end of the meeting, the stakeholders okayed and adopted strict adherence to the provisions of proper medical and insurance cover for players and officials as compulsory for all the clubs to participate in the league.

The 8-point communique signed by Abdul Sule, Chairman of the communique drafting , Rasheed Balogun, Emmanuel Adesanya, Sajo Mohammed, and Alloy Chukwuemeka all served as members also welcomed the newly appointed Management committee of the NNL headed by Senator Obinna Ogba while the newly appointed management committee assured the stakeholders of a new dawn in the NNL with a vision to reposition the league as the Most  Important league in Nigeria.

The meeting commended the President of the NFF Amaju Pinnick who was represented by the General Secretary Dr. Mohammed Sanusi for identifying with the NNL to put the league in the right frame.

The meeting also recognized the mandate given by the Nigeria Football Federation NFF for the League to start the new season 3- weeks after the commencement of the apex league, the NPFL, subject to its congress ratification.

A minute silence was observed in honour of the former chairman of the NNL and ex- Enugu state FA boss late Sir. Chidi Ofor Okenwa.