NLC, LP need to be overhauled, Ajaero may go – Labour veterans

A group, Labour Veterans and Trade Unionists’ Assembly, has advised President of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Comrade Joe Ajaero, and embattled chairman of the Labour Party, Julius Abure, to settle their differences and stop disgracing the party with needless squabbles.

Addressing journalists Monday in Abuja, former vice president of NLC and veteran labour leader, Comrade Isah Tijjani, said Ajaero may likely be voted out of office “if the working class continue to take heavy tolls from the many poorly organised labour strikes under Joe Ajaero’s leadership coupled with his abysmal failure to reign-in the ongoing shenanigans in Labour Party.”

He said: “This extra-ordinary meeting is mainly summoned in order to express our strong collective voice against the ongoing show of shame being flagrantly exhibited by the duo of Julius Abure, chairman of the Labour Party and Comrade Joe Ajaero, President of the Nigeria Labour Congress. 

“No labour veteran can afford to ignore the claims and counter claims of financial pillages going on in the Labour Party, a party we all toiled and selflessly struggled to establish, with a view to speedily liberate our country and the labouring masses from the clutches of multidimensional poverty, hunger, ignorance, disease and endemic exploitation. 

“Regrettably, as we speak, this pathetic situation continued unabated because the NLC which is supposed to play its rightful role as the collective conscience of the party, woefully failed to rise to this enormous responsibility, which she treats with unforgivable levity and reckless abandon.

“As the working class continue to take heavy tolls from the many poorly organised labour strikes under Joe Ajaero’s autocratic leadership coupled with his abysmal failure to reign-in the ongoing shenanigans in Labour Party, the red card must be given to him so as to quickly exit the labour scene. In other words, the time is now for all of us to resoundingly echo the murmurings of the poor majority, that is, Ajaero Must Go.”