Nigerians urged to develop indigenous technologies

A renowned Professor of Hydrobiology in the Departpment of Zoology, University of Uyo, Prof. Anthony Williams Akpan, has descried Nigeria’s backwardness in technological breakthroughs and called for the development of indigenous technologies in order to meet up with the World economies of Asia, America and Europe.
Prof. Anthony Akpan made the remark at the weekend during the 38th inaugural lecture of the University on “Imperiled Aquatic Ecosystem and Biodiversity, Anthropogenic Perturbation and the Paradox of Resources Sustainability”.

He said “Technological breakthroughs are the agents of change worldwide and Nigeria is seriously lagging behind in this aspect. We must invest new ways of solving our various problems by developing our indigenous technologies in the key economic sectors such as agriculture, fishing, commerce and industry and reduce dependence on foreign goods and service”.
Prof. Akpan also said that for Nigeria to achieve greatness, discipline in all its ramifications must be part of Nigeria Social Fabric and corruption be considerably reduced to the barest minimum.
He explained that Nigeria was currently rated very low on almost all human development indices but rated very high on corruption and other negative issues.