Nigeria records 6, 884 valid mineral titles, North Central tops with 2,610 – DG Nkom

The Director General, Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office, Mr Obadiah Nkom, said the country’s valid mineral titles has recorded 6, 884 across the six geopolitical zones.

Mr. Nkom made the statement at the ongoing 59th Annual International Conference and Exhibition (AICE), themed: “Emerging Global Perspective, Trends and Sustainable Development of Minerals and Energy Resources,” sponsored by the Mining Cadastre Office (MCO), holding at the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Jos, Plateau state capital.

He said the achievement was made, following the introduction and application of the Electronic Mining Cadastre System (eMC+), in the sector.

According to him, North central has 2,610 titles, North west 1,183, South west 1,302, North east 890, South South 569, while South East has 325 titles, respectively.

He said from the statistical summary, between December, 2021 to October, 2022, with Internal usage of eMC+, the total of 4,607 mineral title and modifications applications were received.

“The system was unveiled to the public on the 1st November, 2022. From the unveiling to 31st February, 2024; 10,805 new mineral title and modification applications were received, both MCO assisted online (in the Office) and unassisted online submissions.

“Hence since the installation of the system, a total of 15,412 is mineral title and modification applications has been received; out of which 4,306 was un-assisted online submissions. The adoption of the un-assisted online system by stakeholders, is currently at 39.85%,” he disclosed.

DG Obadiah Nkom, said the office deemed important to organised the sensitisation workshop on the adoption of the mining cadastre system -eMC+ by the mining sector stakeholders, for optimum performances in the sector.

He said a thematic maps to help in mitigating clash of interest in the areas of mining cadastre sites such as, farming, airports, military lands, pipelines and many others, will soon be documented.