Nigeria, Cuba to deepen bio-tech for food, pharmaceutical development 

The federal government has indicated strong interest to collaborate with the Republic of Cuba on the development of bio-technology for food and pharmaceutical production.

Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu made this known when the Ambassador of Cuba to Nigeria, Clara Pulido Escadell, paid him a courtesy visit in his office on Monday in Abuja.

Onu said Nigeria, which has a large youth population as compared to other developed countries, will accelerate the development of the country, especially in the areas of bio-technology.

He further said  Nigerian youths at home and in the Diaspora, have reached the peak of their careers in various technological endeavours and that with the necessary skills could take Nigeria to greater heights.

On tackling food security, the federal government has assured that Nigeria is no longer one of the largest importers of rice, but has emerged as one of the largest producers and exporters of rice in Africa.

Further on Nigeria’s efforts at biotechnology development, Dr. Onu said the cultivation of yam is not just for food but also as raw material for industries.

Onu assured the Cuban envoy of Nigeria’s collaboration and close working relationship with them.

Earlier, the Ambassador of Cuba to Nigeria, Amb. Clara Pulido Escadell, said her visit was to discuss Nigeria’s participation at the forthcoming International Conference Bio Habana 2022, slated to be held in Cuba from 25th-29th April, 2022.