NGO embarks on tree planting, desertification to promote peace

The Centre for Community Actions for Peace and Development (CCAPAD), in partnership with Interfaith Mediation Center, (IMC) Kaduna, is poised to promote peaceful coexistence among the various ethnic and religious groups in Kaduna and Plateau states, by youth engagements in tree planting.
In view of the above, the organization is organizing a two-week educational exchange visit program between Kaduna and Plateau state youths to under-study conflict experiences of the state, interact with conflict parties, conflict management actors and draw lessons learnt from the positive roles they played in the conflict history of the state.
Coordinator, Early Warning and Early Response ( IMC), Mr.
Samson Auta, disclosed this to newsmen when the two Teams from Plateau and Kaduna states visited Teku International Farm on Tuesday , August 7, 2018 to explore the opportunities of engaging the youth on useful ventures that will add value to their lives.
Auta said IMC was at the farm with the youth Team from Jos, Plateau state, North-Central Nigeria under the funded project from Nexus.
Nexus fund works on areas that have to do with forstering peaceful coexistence, especially focusing on issues that relate to hate speeches.
He added that the project is to see how religious, traditional leaders and stakeholders can both work to see how they could end the narratives that promote hate speeches among various ethnic, political and religious groups so that there could be peace in our society, invariably, peace within the states and the country at large.