NDE recruits unemployed graduates in Anambra

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE) has said it has recruited 50 unemployed graduates for temporary jobs under its internship programme in Anambra state.
The state Coordinator of NDE, Mrs Chika Ufele, who disclosed this in an interview in his office at Amawbia, Awka South local  government area of Anambra state, said the beneficiaries already posted to various corporate organisations would serve for initial period of three months under N15,000 monthly stipend.

According to Ufele, the programme which was part of the 2020 Graduate Attachment Programme (GAP) ongoing across 36 states of the federation and FCT (Abuja), could likely help over 1,850 people secure permanent jobs nationwide.
She said special public works department of NDE seeks to identify and exploit employment opportunities that abound in the public, as well as promotes mass employment strategies through the attachment of qualified graduates to willing employers of labour under tutelage for three-six months.

The coordinator, while urging beneficiaries of the scheme to adequately utilise the opportunity for self reliance, commended the Director General of NDE, Dr. Nasiru Mohammed, for approving implementation of the programmes and facilitating its take off.