NCPC boss Pam thumbs up Plateau police command

The executive secretary, Nigeria Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC0, Rev. Yakubu Pam, has commended the Plateau state police Command for their efforts in dealing with security concerns in the state.

He made the commendation recently, according to a statement issued at the weekend in Abuja by the media unit of the Commission, during a courtesy visit to the state Commissioner of Police, Mr. Edward Egbuka, in jos.

The statement stated that the NCPC boss also commended the police boss for the professional way he had handled issues of kidnapping and conflicts between farmers and herders.

“You have done what any seasoned administrator will do in crisis management.

The fight against insecurity is a collective effort and is not only for the security agencies alone,” he said, urging the indigenes to be vigilant and to report any criminal or suspicious activities to the police.

According to Pam, the issue of insecurity and communal crisis can only be resolved through communication and dialogue.

“Conflicts can only be resolved through feeling the pains and the concerns of the people who are aggrieved. I urge leaders across various organisations in the state to create a platform where people can express their concerns and they would be looked into.”

The NCPC gave the assurance that he would do everything possible to support the security agencies in the fight against insecurity across the country, adding, “My organisation and other religious leaders will rally round to ensure peace in reigns in the country.”

In his remarks, Egbuka congratulated Rev. Pam on his appointment, adding that “when your appointment was announced, there was a lot of excitement in the state and this is due to how you have impacted the people of Plateau state.”

Egbuka said: “The nation is faced with a lot of challenges which can only be resolved by spiritual rebirth and rejuvenation. The transformation we desire as a nation hinges on spiritual rebirth which can be achieved only by our religious institutions.”