NBTI commission’s incubation centre for economic growth

The National Board for Technology Incubation (NBTI), has established an incubation centre in Mabudi, Plateau State.

Speaking at the event, Director General/CEO NBTI Dr. Patricia Uchenna Chukwu, said the centre will help close the gap between research and the market, stimulating innovation, generating employment and spurring economic growth.

The Director General said that the objective is to identify and provide support for local talents, nurturing the upcoming generation of innovators and entrepreneurs who will steer Nigeria’s technological progress.

“The sustained effort of the Honourable Minister and the support of His Excellency, the Governor of Plateau State to afford us the enabling recognition and funding to deliver on our mandate towards the economic growth and technological advancement of Nigeria

“We are confident that by working together with all involved parties. We can close the divide between research and the market, stimulating innovation, generating employment opportunities, and spurring economic growth.”

She commended the State Governor for giving NBTI an enabling environment to contribute to the success Centre as well as technology incubation pProgramme in the country.

In her welcome speech, NBTI Zonal Director North Central Hajiya Hadiza Muhammad, said the initiative will provide local innovators and entrepreneurs with the resources, mentorship, and support needed to turn their ideas into viable businesses.

“The Utility Workshop will equip artisans and craftsmen with the necessary tools to hone their skills and produce high-quality products.”

Also speaking, the former Representative of Langtang North and South speaker Beni Lar, who facilitated the project, urged stakeholders to patronize the incubation Centre adding that, “We want you to contribute to the economic growth of the nation and that’s why this centre was created. So let’s make good use of it, by being broad and launching many good products here. Fifteen thousand products have been launched in different Tic Centre across the world. Mabudi will produce five thousand and these will become products, hoping that we will return to launch many more products here by God’s grace.”