NASIEC to hold LG polls Aug. 31, 2024


The Nasarawa State Independent Electoral Commission (NASIEC) has fixed August 31, 2024 for the conduct of the local government elections in the state.

Chairman of NASIEC, Barr Ayuba Wandai Usman, disclosed this in a press briefing at the headquarters of the commission, Thursday in Lafia.

Wandai said this has become necessary because the tenure of the present set of elected local government officials would expire by Monday, October 7, 2024, having spent three years in office as provided by the extant laws governing the activities of the commission.

He explained that NASIEC is therefore issuing an election notice commencing on Thursday, August 31, copies of which would be pasted across all the 3256 polling units of the state.

According to him, “As you are aware, the Nasarawa state Independent Electoral Commission, is a law-abiding institution that has continued to promote adherence to laws, rules and regulations governing the conduct of local government elections in Nasarawa state. 

“You will recall that the commission conducted the last local government councils elections on Wednesday, 6th October, 2021 and the present executives were sworn-in and inaugurated on Friday, 8th October, 2021 for a tenure of three years which will end on Monday, 7th October, 2024.

“Based on extant laws, the commission has issued a notice of election for the conduct of the 2024 local government councils’ election today being 31st August, 2023.”