Nasarawa govt okays rural devt bureau

Nasarawa state Executive Council has approved the establishment of the state Bureau for Rural Development to fast track development of the grassroots.

The Commissioner for Information, Culture and Tourism, Dogo Shammah, disclosed this while briefing journalists shortly after the Council’s meeting on Friday in Lafia.

He said the newly created Bureau would have responsibilities of managing all rural roads, electricity and ensure supply of water to rural areas across the state.

Other responsibilities of the Bureau, according to the commissioner, are the constitution, upgrading and maintenance of feather roads among others.

Shammah also said the Council further approved the introduction of a special scholarship scheme to encourage state indigents in studying medical line in order to reduce rate of inadequate of medical personnel in the state.

Also speaking, the Commissioner for Justice, Abdulkarim Kana, said the executive council also resolved that all doctors on the payroll of the state government to choose their service with the state government or their private hospitals to enable them to concentrate in their responsibilities as well as to avoid diverting patients from government hospitals to their private hospitals.