Ministerial slot: Coalition urges Tinubu to appoint Ashafa  

The Coalition of Kaduna Concerned Group of Youth and Elders in Politics, has urged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to appoint Sardaunan Ikulu, Alhaji Isma’il Yusuf Ashafa as minister to fill in the state’s slot in the Federal Executive Council (FEC).

Recall that the Senate had turned down President Tinubu’s nominee, former Kaduna state governor, Nasir El-Rufai owing to an alleged security report.

It was also reported in some sections of the media that El-Rufai had withdrawn and recommended another person to be appointed.

On Monday, President Tinubu unveiled 45 ministers to man various ministries and the Kaduna state’s slot was left vacant.

The group in a statement by its publicity secretary, Usman K. Muhammad Kakangi, Thursday, said it found with great confidence and huge expectation in the person of Hon. Alhaji Isma’il Yusuf Ashafa (Sardaunan Ikulu).

It explained that Ashafa is known for practicing an all-inclusive style of leadership by engaging various communities without an iota of discrimination, tribalism, or sentiment based on religion or section. 

According to the group, Ashafa as chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in Kaduna state formed a formidable and powerful political support group with a solid foundation used as tool to attract the youth across 23 local government areas of Kaduna state.

It revealed that Ashafa worked very hard to see the actualisation of President Tinubu’s administration through his political support group.

“He is a bonafide citizen of Kaduna State who comes from Zangon Kataf Local Government of Southern Kaduna Sub-region. A region where there are so many agitations of being marginalized by other regions of the state and where religion and tribalism are being used in politics which always hinder the development and progress of the region but Alhaji Isma’il Yusuf Ashafa with wisdom, tolerance, patience, and experience, was able to bring all aggrieved parties, intensified campaign based on love, unity, peace, progress, tolerance, patience and development,” the statement.