Marafa showers constituents with 51 cars, bags of grains

Ahead of the 2019 general elections in which he is aspiring for the governorship seat of Zamfara State, Senator Kabiru Marafa (APC Zamfara Central), has given out 51 cars and bags of grains to some of his constituents.
In a statement issued in Abuja yesterday by the Secretary of his campaign organisation, Bello Soja Bakyasuwa , the Senator was also said to have distributed 100,000 Jerseys to his supporters.
The cars, according to the statement, included 24 Peugeot 406, 12 VW Golf, 3 Peugeot 407 , 6 VW Sharon, 1 Murano, 1 Highlander and four Ford buses.
The statement added that beneficiaries of the cars include the state chairman of the APC, his Vice, three zonal vice chairmen, state Secretary, Youth leader, Organising secretary, Publicity secretary, women leader, all local government chairmen and other selected party loyalists in Zamfara state.
The 2000 bags of grains the statement added, were distributed to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), less privileged and youth organizations across the state while 10,000 jerseys were distributed to the Senators supporters across the 147 wards of the state.
Senator Marafa had before the declaration of his governorship aspiration on the platform of the All Progressives Congress ( APC), been at daggers drawn with the State Governor, Abdulaziz Yari over control of the party’s machinery