Let’s nurture our democracy, Ahmed tells Nigerians

Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed of Kwara state has called for the support of all Nigerians in nurturing the nation’s fragile democracy to a vibrant, strong and prosperous one.
In his Democracy day message signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Abdulwahab Oba, Governor Ahmed said “all advanced democracies of the world passed through turbulent times, but survived through dialogue and citizens’ commitment to democratic norms.” He called on politicians to abhor hate speeches and incitement of the people against constituted authorities.
The governor, who admitted that the state was challenged because of the fall in federally allocated revenue, explained that the ingenuity of his government in reforming the revenue generation platforms had launched the state among few viable states in the country with self sustaining capacity.
The governor said his administration had invested heavily in human capital development with the setting up of International Vocational, Technical and Entrepreneurial College, AjaseIpo, injection of over N2 billion to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and other incentives to support the informal sector.
Ahmed assured Kwarans that all the ongoing development projects would be taken to completion levels in a bid to bridge infrastructure deficit and guarantee sustainable economic growth in the state.
He also promised even development of the state, saying that no section of the state would be left out in the provision of amenities.