Lagos discharges 60 patients

Sixty patients have been discharged from Lagos state isolation facilities following their full recovery from coronavirus infection, the Ministry of Health announced, Tuesday.

The patients tested negative to COVID-19 twice and have been discharged to reunite with the society.

The discharged patients comprised 40 males and 20 females. This brings the total recoveries in Lagos to 321.

“60 more COVID-19 Lagos patients; 20 females and 40 males, all Nigerians were today discharged from our isolation facilities at Yaba, Ibeju-Lekki and Eti-Osa (Landmark) to reunite with the society.

“The patients; 31 from IDH, Yaba, 19 from Ibeju-Lekki and 10 from the Eti-Osa (Landmark) isolation centres, have fully recovered and tested negative twice consecutively to COVID-19.

“With this, the number of patients successfully managed and discharged in Lagos is now 321,” the ministry wrote.

As of Tuesday, Lagos had 1,199 confirmed cases of coronavirus; 829 active cases, 321 discharged cases; two evacuated cases;16 transferred cases and 31 deaths.