Kogi guber: CHRCR warns electorate against vote buying, selling 

Ahead of November 11 governorship election in Kogi state, the Conscience for Human Rights and Conflict Resolution (CHRCR), has cautioned the electorate to shun vote- buying and selling, saying such act  is against the constitution of the country.

The executive director, CHRCR, Idris Miliki Abdul, stated this in Okene Saturday during a one- day multi-stakeholders engagement  for electorate in Central Senatorial District towards  the governorship election in Kogi state.

The engagement centered  on integrity and community ownership in the fight against corruption, organised by CHRCR in partnership with Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC).

Abdul said one of the major consequences of vote- buying and selling is that it paves way for the wrong persons to get to elective positions and do things wrongly.

He urged the electorate not to be deceived by politicians who will give them peanuts to buy their conscience to the detriment of their future.

“As the governorship election of Kogi state is fast approaching, the electorate should get set with their Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) to vote for the candidate of their choice based on the credibility and capacity to deliver.

“If you allow yourselves to be deceived by politicians offering you rice, a packet of Maggi , cloth, N1,000 among others to buy your votes, then prepare to suffer for four years without basic necessity of life aside mortgaging the future of your children. It is better you cast your votes for a candidate who you can hold accountable for the mandate you give him or her,” he stated.

While charging the electorate to always know their representatives at both state and national assembly, Comrade Abdul, charged women to take the advantage of their numerical strength during election to demand for more political positions for women folks.

One of the participants, Mr Audu Emmanuel from Okehi, said vote buying and selling can only be tackled when the electorate imbibes the doctrine of “change begin with me” by outright rejection of any motivations from overzealous politicians.