Kano invests N4.8bn in education, employment of school guards


The Kano state government has made a significant investment in the education sector, approving the release of N4.8 billion for the renovation of schools and construction of additional classrooms across the state. This move is part of Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf’s commitment to declare a state of emergency in the education system.

The fund includes N1.9 billion disbursed to Community Re-orientation Committee (CRC), chairmen for renovating primary school classrooms in all 44 local government areas and an additional N2.925 billion allocated for building new classrooms in public primary schools. This investment will create a safe and conducive learning environment for students.

To ensure the safety of students and school infrastructure, the government has employed 17,600 school guards, with at least 400 guards allocated to each local government area. This move will bolster security and safeguard public educational facilities.

Governor  had constantly stated the importance of investing in education, saying it is crucial for creating a flourishing society.

He urged stakeholders to work together to create a future built on quality education for present and future generations.

This investment demonstrates the governor’s commitment to ensuring accessible quality education for every school-age child in Kano. The government’s efforts will have a positive impact on the education sector, leading to improved outcomes and a brighter future for the students of Kano state.