Kano: HortiNigeria harvests fresh tomatoes amidst Tuta absoluta infestation


HortiNigeria, a Dutch-funded horticultural programme implemented in Kano, Kaduna, Ogun, and Oyo states, has harvested fresh tomatoes at Gidan Kwari, Bunkure local government area of Kano state.

This development occurred after the just concluded Integrated Pest Management (IPM) campaign on Tuta absoluta in the area. 

The demonstration aimed to shed light on innovative solutions and strategies like the use of tutasan and pheromone traps, mulching and neem oil bio pesticide as over time, the pest gets resistant to chemicals used. These strategies have been used to combat the effects of pests on agricultural productivity, particularly amidst arid conditions for farmers.

The IPM campaign started in March and ended 3rd June, 2024, with a Mega Field Day. Our target is smallholder farmers and producer organisations, who grow tomatoes and agro input dealers and provide support to farmers.

 HortiNigeria has been working tirelessly in collaboration with partners like AFRI Agri products limited, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD), National Horticulture Research Institute (NIHORT), and other experts to discuss and come up with the ideas on how best to sensitise and train farmers on how to tackle the pest from seedling production to harvest.

Also, the program’s sustainability plan is to link farmers and agro input dealers with the companies (dealers of the products used to tackle the pest) and if possible, run another cycle of the demonstration in various other locations.

Sector coordination and Business -Business lead HortiNigeria,  stated that, “Why we are focusing on Tuta absoluta is because in Nigeria and globally we produce and consume a lot of tomatoes. And with this pest lingering around, we need to derive means and invest in efforts to tackle the pest and we believe knowledge is key.”

This demonstration is a testament to our commitment to supporting farmers and fostering resilience in agricultural communities facing adversity. Through collaboration, innovation, and knowledge sharing, we aspire to empower farmers to overcome the challenges posed by the dry season and cultivate bountiful harvests sustainably.