Kano Guber: Senator Sankara congratulates Gawuna over victory at Appeal Court

Hours after declaration of Dr Nasiru Gawuna of the All Progressives Congress (APC) , as authentic winner of March 18 , 2023 gubernatorial election in Kano State by the Court of Appeal, Senator Danladi Sankara  congratulated him and his deputy on the victory .

Senator Sankara in a personally signed statement shortly after the judicial victory on Friday, described the development as victory for democracy and the will of the people of Kano state.

He noted that the Court of Appeal delievered substantial justice to validate the choice of the majority of the electorates in Kano state during the last governorship election…

He pointed out that the validation of Gawuma’s victory at the polls will offer him the opportunity to consolidate on the enviable  achievements he recorded in his first tenure as governor.

“The victory of His Excellency,  Dr Nasiru Gawuna and his Deputy today , Friday at the Abuja Court of Appeal , is victory for the people of Kano State because it has affirmed the true reflection of the will of majority of the electorates in the 44 Local Government Areas of Kano State.

.”This development will afford the Governor  and the APC as the leading party in the state,  the leverage to consolidate on previous achievements recorded , and it will enhance the chances of the people to experience improved  dividends of democracy in real terms”, he said .

He  added that  the effect of the interregnum of the tenure of the New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP) in Kano State will be rectified in record time. we

“One thing is very certain, the distraction created by the interregnum of the NNPP short stunt in Kano State will be swiftly addressed to pave way for positive progress and development “, he  enthused .

He however appealed for calm by residents of Kano State across party lines towards giving full support to the Gawuna administration, when finally inaugurated after the entire  litigations