Kaduna youth block Kaduna/Abuja highway over kidnapping 

Youth in Gonin Gora, Chikun local government area of Kaduna metropolis Thursday blocked the Kaduna/Abuja highway in protest over reported kidnap of undisclosed number of residents overnight by bandits in the area.

Thus is just as Kaduna state government condemned the blockage of the highway or any road as security agents cleared the blockage and opened the highway for motorists to have easy passage. 

Blueprint learnt that apart from kidnapping many residents in the area, the rampaging bandits also shot to death many residents who attempted to resist being kidnapped. 

A source who spoke anonymously for fear of backlash, “Gonin Gora is in the news again, there was an attack by bandits yesterday (Wednesday night), and  some people were abducted and some shot dead. The federal expressway was since morning blocked by youth in the area in protest over the attack.”

Blueprint investigations revealed that both Abuja bound passengers and those intending to enter Kaduna from Abuja spent hours at the road blocks mounted by the protesting youth until the blockages were cleared by security operatives.

While the Kaduna state government was silent on the number of people kidnapped and those killed by the bandits, the Kaduna State Security Council warned against blockage of roads by protesters.

A statement issued by the Kaduna State Overseeing Commissioner of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan said, “the Kaduna State Security Council has warned against blockage of public roads and harassment of innocent citizens by persons conducting protests.”