Kaduna: Foundation pays WAEC fees, donates to orphans, widows

Caleb Danladi Foundation has donated food items and other supports to orphanages, widows and senior citizens, while paying West African Examination Council (WAEC) fees of some students in Jaba Local Government Area (LGA) of Kaduna state.

The Chief Executive Officers (CEO), Caleb Danladi Foundation, Mr Caleb Danladi, while presenting the food items, and educational support, said the food items was aimed at spreading joy and bringing smiles to the beneficiaries, especially during the yuletide season when they are all celebrating Christmas and preparing for the New Year.

While the WAEC fees and educational provision is part of community support to ensure that students who found it difficult to pay their WAEC fees or progress with their educational pursuit have their paths eased for smooth sailing in their academic career.

The CEO of Caleb Danladi Foundation took a special journey from Kaduna to Jaba LGA of the state, where he extended compassion, generosity, festive donations and educational support to orphans, widows, and the elderly people.

The visit had stops at Arrow of Hope Orphanage, Gweimen Center, and Daddu Orphanage, as well as an outreach in Samban Community.

At the Arrow of Hope Orphanage, the CEO personally interacted with the orphan children, spreading joy through festive gifts and treats.

The spirit of giving continued at Gweimen Center and Daddu Orphanage, where widows and orphans received essential food and medical supplies and the warmth of the foundation’s support.

In the Samban Community, Danladi took it a step further by paying the WAEC fees for deserving students, in line with his believe that education remained an accessible path for the youth in the region, as part of the Foundation’s commitment to empowering the next generation.

He also visited the elderly ones in Samban, where he shared stories, offered companionship during the festive period.

Speaking on the visitation, the CEO said the visit showed the Foundation’s dedication to the holistic well-being of the community.

“This festive season is about spreading joy and making a meaningful impact. We are privileged to be part of Jaba LGA and Samban Community, and it is our mission to bring hope to those who need it most, whether through educational support, material aid or simply spending time with the elderly,” he said.