Kaduna: Arewa Think Tank condoles with Uba Sani over brother’s death 

The Arewa Think Tank has condoled with Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna state over the death of his younger brother, Pharm. Mukhtar Lawal Ismail, noting that the death occured at a time when the deceased was full of life.  

A statement signed by the Chief Convener of Arewa Think Tank, Muhammad Alhaji Yakubu on Sunday expressed sadness over the death of the Governor’s younger brother, saying that “his death occured at a time the governor was in full spirit commissioning projects across the state ahead of his one year anniversary in office”.

Yakubu said, “the sad news came to Arewa Think Tank while our members were in top gear preparing to hold a lecture in honour of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s one year in office in a few days time where Governor Uba Sani is billed to be the chief host.

“There is no better time for anyone, no matter how highly placed in the society, to lose loved ones to the cold hand of death. Your Excellency, accept our condolences and empathy over this great loss. We are with you in prayers and spirit. We pray to Allah to forgive the deceased his shortcomings, grant him Jannah and give the Governor and his entire family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

“May Allah continue to give Governor Uba Sani the strength, wisdom and fortitude to bear the irreparable loss and forge ahead with state activities, believing that your humble brother is resting in the bossom of Allah, because from Allah we come , and to Him we shall return one day.” 

Governor Sani had announced the passing away of his younger brother in a statement, saying, “It is with a profound sense of loss but total submission to the will of Almighty Allah that I announce the passing away of my younger brother, Pharm. Mukhtar Lawal Ismail. He was a humble, resourceful and committed professional. He will be sorely missed. May Allah forgive his shortcomings, grant him Jannah and give us his loved ones the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.”