Jigawa to introduce irrigation farming in Sahel areas – Namadi 

The Jigawa state government has put in place machinery to start the dry season farming in Maigatari area of the Sahel region in the state.

This was contained in a press statement by the Senior Special Assistant on Media Affairs to Governor Umar Namadi, Hajiya Zainab Rabo Ringim, and made available to reporters Saturday.

She said the governor stated this recently during his business trip to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia while meeting with the foreign partners and investors. 

The SSA stated that the essence of the governor’s trip was to boost the economy of the state as well as attain self sufficiency in food production. 

“Already mini dams will be provided in the affected areas to facilitate round the year farming activities. 

“Some of the proposals boarded on the need to introduce irrigation services by providing mini dams across the area, such as boreholes.

“There are efforts to upgrade and expand our local markets especially Maigatari market which is one of the largest cattle and animal market in west African region,” she stated.