I’ve made more than 40 films in two years – Ummin Scora

Hadiza Sani, better known as Ummin Scora, is an actress in Kannywood who came in on the right foot because less than two years after her arrival, she has become very popular. In this brief chitchat with IBRAHIM HAMISU in Kano, she speaks about her history and how she has appeared in more than 40 movies in less than two years.


 My name is Hadiza Sani, better known as Ummin Scora, an actress in the Kannywood film industry. I am a native of Kano, born in Ƴankaba neighbourhood in Kano city. I went to primary and secondary schools in Ƴankaba, then I got married, had children, and later God brought the fate of divorce, then I wanted to enter Kannywood. 

What made you want to join Kannywood? 

Yes, I had had this desire to enter Kannywood since I was young, and I took up film as a career and education, and I have a passion for film in my heart.

 In which year did you start filming?

 I entered the Kannywood industry about two years ago. 

What movie did you start with? 

I started with the movie, Ash Brick, and appeared as a journalist.

In the almost two years since you joined Kannywood, how many movies have you done so far?

 I have made more than 40 films, some of which are Dadain kowa and Kabilun sirri; Inda ranka; A duniya; where is your soulA duniyaLokaci. I really thank God.

 Apart from film, do you do any other business?

 Yes, before I started making movies, I was in the business of selling food at Salon Garin market in Kano. When I joined Kannywood I saved the business, but I have a dream to open a restaurant in the future, InshaAllah

Which of the movies you have done is your favourite?

 I really like the Labulan sirri because the whole story is about me; it’s something hidden.