It’s challenging to run an airline – IATA

The director-general designate of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Mr. Alexandre de Juniac has described as “challenging” the business of running an airline and how much airlines depend on IATA to support their business.

De Juniac, whose appointment is effective from September 1, 2016, stated this at the IATA’s 72nd annual general meeting held recently in Dublin, Ireland.
De Juniac who will be the seventh person to lead IATA as its director general said his aim is to help airlines to be even more successful businesses creating even greater economic and social value.
He said he would want the IATA members to a future that is even safer, more efficient, sustainable and increasingly profitable.

“I know how challenging it is to run an airline and how much airlines depend on IATA to support their business—to safely process industry money, to deliver effective advocacy, to lead global initiatives and to provide relevant products and services,” said de Juniac.
“I thank my industry colleagues for their confidence in confirming me as IATA’s next director general and chief executive officer. Aviation is a vitally important industry—connecting economies, facilitating business, creating jobs and linking people. I have big shoes to fill as Tony Tyler has done an excellent job over the last five years,” he added:
Meanwhile, the IATA chief, Mr. Tony Tyler, said the organisation would be in good hands under the leadership of Willie Walsh as chairman of the board of governors and de Juniac as the director general and chief executive officer.
“I want to extend my thanks to the membership, the BoG and five exceptional BoG chairmen. They have guided me and the IATA team with wise counsel and tremendous support over the last five years,” said Tyler.

“Working together—IATA with its members—we have made our association stronger with closer partnerships across the industry. And with those partnerships we have made significant progress towards improving safety, modernizing distribution, promoting smarter regulation and managing our climate change impact. There is always, of course, more work to do. I am fully committed to my duties until September when I hand over to Alexandre the responsibility of supporting our members to be profitable businesses that are a force for good in our world,” said Tyler.