Israel-Gaza war: Sultan sues for peace, urges prayers for Palestinians 

The Sultan of Sokoto and president general, Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSICIA), Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar II, has appealed to Nigerians to live in peace with one another and pray for Palestinians currently at war with the state of Israel.

Speaking Wednesday at the Northern Traditional Leaders Committee on PHC Delivery Quarterly meeting held at Palm Hotel, Central Business District, Abuja, the Sultan said: “I am calling on all Nigerians to imbibe and embrace the culture and spirit of living in peace, irrespective of tribal, ethnic or regional differences.”

On the Israeli-Gaza war, Alhaji Abubakar called on the world to pray for Palestinians while suing for peace.

It is his wish that the world would continue to live in peace with a common goal of purposeful development.