IPPS: Groups dismiss petition against UBRBDA assistant director

Integrity Watch International in collaboration with Adamawa Concerned Citizens have berated Mr Habib Garba and Mr Amos Douglas for writing unsubstantiated and false petitions against Mr Abubakar Tela Suleiman, Tambarin Mubi, for breaking into the Integrated Payroll Personal Information System (IPPS) to enrich himself and many others.

Integrity Watch International is a non-profit organisation, which tracks and monitors the conduct, activities and performance of high profile public officers entrusted with public, social and community responsibility in their country of origin.

The group made the observation in a report, following its investigation on the petition by Garba and Douglas alleging financial fleece by Suleiman, an assistant director of finance, Upper Benue River Basin Development Authority (UBRBDA).

The group, which has its corporate office in Borno state, North-east, Nigeria, dismissed the allegations as baseless, criminal and unsubstantiated. It said the petitioners are hatchetmen sponsored by unscrupulous private and government officials who have lost public trust.

Also, a statement jointly signed by Husseini Gambo Bello (Chairman Adamawa Concerned Citizens) and Abdullahi Adamu (Adamawa representative Integrity Watch International) said their main aim is to defend the collective interest of the masses and called on the general public to disregard the sponsored petition because it lacks substance.

“Integrity Watch International is realistically venturing to defend Mr. Abubakar Tela Suleiman against the unjust, unreasonable and unwarranted petition that was submitted to various agencies by Mr. Habib Garba and Amos Douglas.

“The petitioners should have been aware that the Integrated Payroll Personal Information System (IPPS) introduced by the previous government of President Muhammadu Buhari is centrally controlled in Abuja and no one can break into the data system from a ministry or parastatal and engage in fraudulent activities,” the statement said.