Infrastructure: Kano government invests N3bn in schools

The Kano State government said it has invested N3 billion in classroom infrastructure development across the 44 local government areas of the state.

The state governor, Abba Yusuf, stated this on Tuesday at a stakeholders meeting in Government House, Kano.

He said that the project was aimed at creating a conducive environment for effective teaching and learning for citizens of the state.

Mr Yusuf explained that 17,000 security personnel would be employed across the state to ensure the safety of primary school facilities, with 400 personnel per local government.

“The local security personnel will be employed from the locality where the primary schools are located to ensure effective service delivery,” he said.

He said that each of the local government councils would receive N25 million for renovation, with the Universal Basic Education Board supervising the project to ensure quality work.

He stated, “This investment demonstrates the government’s commitment to improving education infrastructure and providing a better learning experience for students.’’