I’m hiding because of threat to my life – Suspected homosexual

A native of Orlu in Imo state, Hezekiah Obinna Jacob, caught in homosexual act with another fellow man he called his partner sometimes on August 20, 2019 but escaped into isolation, is crying out, saying he has been in hiding for fear of being killed.

More so he said an order was given that if anyone sees him, should lodge a report with the police in order to get him arrested to face judgment.

According to him, he and his gay ‘partner’ who went by the name Emeka Ugonna (now late) were caught in homosexual act by some persons within the community and were publicly paraded, following which his ‘partner’ (Emeka) was tortured to death instantly while attempt were made to cut off his (Hezekiah’s) manhood, but managed to escape and since then has been in hiding because of the severity of the offence in the country and threat from his community to his life.

In an emotion-laden and pensive voice to Blueprint, he said, “On August 8 2019, I was caught with my ‘partner’, I mean my man due to my adopted gender (gay) during a particular festival in the community. That day was the worst in my life as they wanted to cut off my manhood while ‘my man’ was lynched to death instantly. I managed to escape two days after and was declared wanted with a threat to be killed because of the penalty attached to the offence.”

Speaking further he said, “This is a big lesson and message to other people all over the country who are practising the same thing. I want them to know that the punishment is either death or 14 years imprisonment.”

According to him, following the incident, Orlu Divisional Police Station got involved but by then he confessed that he had escaped. While he is asking for forgiveness, he is equally advising everyone to obey the law of the land in order to live in peace.

It could be recalled that in Nigeria, homosexuality is a capital offence that attracts death penalty or 14 years imprisonment.