My honesty won’t let me go to jail, Buhari declares

President Muhammadu Buhari, yesterday assured that going to jail at the end of his tenure in office is out of it because of his integrity and honesty. He also noted that he probably would have been in prison after his previous appointments but for his integrity and honesty.
A statement by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, quoted President Buhari to have made the declaration when he had an audience with a delegation of the Supreme Council for Sharia in Nigeria, at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.
And above all, Buhari said he had no regrets for being a person of honesty and integrity.
“I am satisfied with what I am.
I am happy.
I have kept myself and people close to me from benefiting from government contracts,” the President said.
Buhari, who was also a military head of state between 1983/85, said he never awarded contracts and didn’t care about who got them as far as they did a good job at a justifiable cost to the nation. “I have been in many places, including (Ministry of Petroleum.
I would have gone to jail if I had taken an oil well. For integrity and honesty, I have no regrets.
By this, I have contributed to my social safety. I won’t go to jail,” the President boasted.
The President, who said he had been criticised for many allegations, noted that his critics won’t certainly accuse him of stealing.
“You cannot accuse me of stealing. I have appointed ministers and they are in charge.
I appeal to their integrity. “When they come here (Federal Executive Council chambers), we ensure they follow the due process.
If I owned an oil well, I would have gone to jail,” he added.
Responding on behalf the visitors, Vice-President of the group, Sheikh Hadiyyatullahi Abdulrashid, commended Buhari for accomplishing much of what he promised before his election, and likened him to the captain of a capsizing ship as well as the messiah needed by the country.
…Blames Plateau killings on desperate politicians Meanwhile, President Buhari has decried how ‘desperate’ politicians increasingly cheapened human life in their quest to establish a reign of instability and chaos in the country for political gains.
Buhari, who was reacting to recent clashes in Plateau, which left scores dead, said in a statement by his SSA, Media and Publicity, Malam Shehu, in Abuja, alleged that those behind the killings thought it would give them an advantage in the coming elections.
He said: “We know that a number of geographical and economic factors are contributing to the longstanding herdsmen/farmers clashes.
But we also know that politicians are taking advantage of the situation.
This is incredibly unfortunate.
“Nigerians affected by the herdsmen/ farmer clashes must always allow the due process of the law to take its course rather than taking matters into their own hands.”