Head of kidnapped 2-year-old boy recovered in Ogun

By Adebimpe Afunku

The Ogun State Police command has recovered the head of the 2-year-old boy that was  beheaded recently  at Ofada, Mowe area, in Obafemi Owode Local Government of Ogun state.
The boy was beheaded at Ofada area Owode Egba on 12th of April by one Mamodu Bashir Ibrahim, who fled the scene immediately he perpetrated the evil act before he was later arrested at Mowe on April 16, by police detectives attached to the Department of Criminal Investigation Eleweran Abeokuta.
The suspect took the investigation team to Mokola area of Ibadan Oyo State where the head was recovered in a bag in the bush on April 22. He has confessed to the crime but still keeping some information to himself as to those who sent him to get the “commodity”.
The commissioner of police Ogun State CP Ikemefuna Okoye, has directed the detectives to intensify efforts to uncover the buyers and perpetrators.