Gunmen kill 2, kidnap popular native doctor in Anambra

Gunmen have reportedly killed two security men and kidnapped a popular native doctor in Anambra State, Mr Chinedu Nwangwu, alias Akwa Okuko Tiwaraki.

Nwangwu, it was learnt, was abducted on Sunday night in his PPP hotel, Oba, Idemili North Local Government Area, after the kidnappers shot two of his security details dead. 

A source said they were surprised when they heard about the incident because the native doctor was seen as strongest witch doctor in Anambra State.

“Akwa ọkụkọ Tiwaraki was kidnapped last night in his PPP hotel. Two of his securities men were shot dead. We where surprised when he heard the news because of his power. Where is Nwa Ocha and Odeshi?

“He built two big hotels in 2022 regarded as the biggest in his native community, Oba. The ease of his abduction has put a question mark on his rumoured strength because many people have gone to his mansion in Oba for anti-bullet charms and other money rituals. He has also boasted severally about how powerful he was,” a source added.

The Anambra State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO), Mr Tochukwu Ikenga, who confirmed the report, noted that the incident occurred authorities in the state have confirmed his around 11:30pm last night, adding that the Commissioner of Police, Aderemi Adeoye, has ordered operatives to go after his abductors and ensure his release.