Group backs TCN on procurement, says company conforms with Act

Accountability for Good Ethics and Accountability for Development in conjunction with Allied Society, have come together to debunk reports that the procurement processes at the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) was fraught with irregularities.

Addressing journalists, a consultant with TCN Oyofo Sule, Sunday in Abuja, said the company had always adhered to Nigeria’s procurement act in contract awards.

He said section 43 of the public procurement act 2003 was cited, allowing emergency procurement under conditions of imminent disaster, war, or significant deterioration of public assets.

TCN highlighted the challenging terrains and security threats faced by over 1800KM of transmission lines, emphasizing the critical need for swift emergency procurement to address damages caused by natural disasters, vandalism, and insurgencies.

Sule stated the Bureau for Public Procurement (BPP) rigorously reviewed and approved the contracts in question after thorough scrutiny and negotiation for fair pricing.

The transmission company refuted claims of inflated prices, asserting that negotiations with contractors resulted in cost-saving measures while ensuring reasonable rates considering the urgency of the projects and prevailing market conditions.

“Highlighting compliance with Section 42 of the Public Procurement Act 2007, TCN emphasised its commitment to transparency, accountability, and the uninterrupted delivery of essential services to citizens,” he said