Group accuses FG of hidden agenda over Chibok girls

By Sadiq Abubakar

Bring Back Our Girls Campaign Organisation’s Deputy National Mobilisation Leader, Yusuf Sheriff Banki, has blamed the federal government for the delay and hardship both parents and students of the Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok, that were abducted by Boko Haram insurgents.
The organisation urged the federal government to, as a matter of urgency and proximity, bring back the Chibok girls alive to their parents, wondering why despite the international community’s intervention and support, “there is still no credible information from government on the whereabouts of the abducted Chibok girls.”

Banki, who stated this yesterday at a press conference in Maiduguri, accused the federal government of being “inactive, adamant and unconcerned about the plight of the students who are constitutionally citizens of Nigeria and deserved the right to be protected by the Nigerian government.”
He said what the group had seen in the last 85 days was the escalation of frequent attacks on Nigerians with more mass killings, more abduction and mass destruction of property of innocent citizens in every part of the country “without the federal government doing anything tangible to arrest the situation.”

The deputy national mobilisation leader further called on Nigerians and the international community to become more aware of the tragedy that had befallen the Chibok girls.
He said: “Today, July 8, 2014, is 85 days since Chibok girls were abducted. And our security Chiefs informed the nation that rescue plans are at advanced stage. We called this press conference today to express our deep concern that in spite of numerous assurances, the Chibok girls have not been rescued.”

He also said contrary to claims in some quarters that the group was only concerned about the Chinok girls, the Movement “does not stand for  Chibok girls  alone, but all voiceless and helpless people abducted before and after the Chibok incident irrespective of religion, tribe, sex and location of  Borno and other neighbouring states of the country.”