Future of every nation rests on shoulders of youth – Nnaji

By Binta Shama


Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Chief Uche Geoffrey Nnaji, has said that the future of every nation rests on the shoulders of the youth, hence it is the duty of the government to create an enabling environment for them to realize their potentials through the application of Science, Technology and Innovation.

According to the press statement signed by the Deputy Director Public Relations FMIST Mr. Atuora Obed that, Nigeria’s greatest asset is human capital which is embedded in her youths who make up tens of millions of talented persons constantly striving towards the economic development of the country.

Nnaji who was represented by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry, Mrs.Esuabana Nko- Asanye said this during the 2024 edition of the 774 Young Nigerian Scientists Presidential Award (774-YONSPA) held on Tuesday, in Abuja.

Abdul Rahman Fadlullahi from Lagos State took first position, , Atigah Oluwaferanmi from Ogun State came second in the overall best , while Janelle Udeme Akpan from the Federal Capital Territory also won second position in the overall best.

Earlier, the Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Esuabana Nko- Asanye said that the programme was created by the Ministry to encourage our youths to be interested and study careers in STEM education, adding that the good gesture covers 774 local Government of the Federation and Federal level, where students compete in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and physics.