Frank Calls for IG’s Sack over Police invasion of Clark’s residence

…Says Nigerians are tired of trial, error Police Boss

The immediate past Deputy National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Comrade Timi Frank, has called for immediate sack of the Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim Kpotum Idris, over Tuesday’s illegal invasion and search of the House of elder statesmen and Ijaw leader, Chief Edwin Clark by the police.

Frank said the current Police boss has shown lack of capacity, disrespect for the Constitution and flagrant disregard to the rule of law in handling the affairs of the security agency, adding that “Nigerians are tired of a trial and error Inspector General of Police.

Recall that some police officers had on Tuesday stormed the Abuja residence of Chief Clark to allegedly “search for weapons” but the Police spokesman, Jimoh Moshood in a statement had appologised and denied knowledge of the incident.

But reacting to the development in a statement on Wednesday in Abuja, Comrade Frank, said despite the apology, the current IG has shown that he is not fully in-charge of the Nigeria Police.

While condemning the illegal siege on Clark’s residence, the former APC chieftain recalled the recent siege on the National Assembly which led to the sack of the erstwhile DG of the Department of State Services (DSS), Lawal Daura.

Frank said he believes that the current IG has not only shown himself as incompetent but a security apprentice who lacks knowledge of all that is happening in the force under his command.

“This latest siege on the premises of Pa Clark must be thoroughly investigated and culprits made to face the law, or we will be at liberty to conclude that a plot to finally eliminate Chief Clark is at a full blown stage as anything short of the IG’s sack will be seen as a nod by his paymasters to carry on with his nefarious acts.

“The activities of the Nigeria Police in recent times has left everyone wondering if indeed this is the same police saddled with the responsibility to “Serving and Protect” all Nigerian citizens.

“The modus operandi of this administration in clamping down and arm-twisting perceived opposition figures in the country has become one too many as Nigerians are now feel perpetually under siege.

“To buttress this assertion, the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, only recently ordered a review the activities of the FSARS – an arm of the police – that had become a living nightmare for law abiding citizens.

“Furthermore, this unwarranted police assault on Chief Clark is an attack on the Ijaw Nation, aimed at stereotyping, embarrassing and nationally shaming the Ijaw People.

“The disdain and bad blood exhibited by this administration towards other minority tribes in the country is the worst since independence, and all well-meaning Nigerians must rise to condemn and resist it.”

The Bayelsa-born politician, however called out all Ijaw sons and daughters to protect their PVCs and vote out “this malicious and self-serving government during the forth coming presidential elections.

“Any Ijaw man or woman who supports this administration is indeed an enemy of the Ijaw nation and must be viewed as such. This attack is one too many to ignore as a mere coincidence. All other minority tribes that feel marginalized are free to make their choice.

“The hounding and hoodwinking of the Acting DG of the DSS, Matthew Seiyefa – an Ijaw man – speaks volume of the level of hatred and disdain with which the present administration holds the Ijaw people and other minority tribes in the country,” he declared.