FMBN should lead new era of massive housing dev’t – Dangiwa

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Architect Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, Friday, called on the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) to rapidly reform and innovate towards meeting Nigeria’s housing shortfall through the delivery of affordable, decent, and quality housing to Nigerians.

 Dangiwa who spoke during the 2024 Management Retreat of FMBN held, at Zuma Rock, Niger State, emphasized the imperative for transformation, innovation, and leadership in fostering a new era of extensive housing development in Nigeria.

Reflecting on his tenure as Managing Director/Chief Executive of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN), the minister shared insights into the successes and challenges encountered, stressing that his current position as Minister of Housing and Urban Development is another opportunity for him to ensure that the Bank gets the necessary support that it needs to deliver on its mandate to house Nigerians.

He challenged FMBN’s management and staff to surpass previous achievements, emphasizing the importance of quality customer service and problem-solving.

Recognizing the fundamental challenges facing FMBN, the minister cited the inauguration of the Housing Institutions’ Reform Task Teams to optimize housing agencies’ effectiveness as one of the ways out.

The minister also emphasized collaboration through the Multi-Agency Project Delivery Task Team, fostering synergy among housing agencies to increase the national housing stock.

He urged FMBN’s active participation in these initiatives while emphasizing the importance of daily commitment to the transformation process.