FG’s offer of N54, 000 minimum wage, insult to Nigerian workers – Group

The Campaign for Democratic and Workers’ Rights (CDWR) Wednesday said the N54,000 minimum wage proposals by the federal government is ridiculously low. 

CDWR in statement by its national chairperson, Comrade Rufus Olusesan and national publicity secretary, Comrade Chinedu Bosah,   stated that the N48, 000 and the N54,000 offers of the organised private sector and the federal government are insult to Nigerian workers. 

CDWR said the figures are “a far cry from the high cost of living,” adding, ” The Nigerian economy is in a deep crisis. Inflation is currently at 33.69 % while as of April 2023 before Tinubu took power it was 22.22 %.”               

“The implementation of neo-liberal and anti-people policies such as the removal of petrol subsidy, devaluation of the naira, growing commercialisation of education and fee hikes, increase of import duties, hikes in electricity tariff etc,  have made prices of goods and services to go through the roof, crushing more Nigerians into excruciating poverty.

“The capitalist government and the private company owners have always stated that there is no money to pay workers a living wage, but money is readily available for frivolities, and payment of jumbo salaries and allowances to top political office holders.

“This is one of the numerous examples of profligacies that have become the hallmark of the capitalist ruling elite. While workers earn their wage through their productivity the capitalist ruling elite are parasitic on the economy.

“The N54,000 offered by the Tinubu-led government is a natural response from a government whose agenda for growing the exploitative capitalist economy is to further enrich the privileged-few and pauperise the working masses.”