FG poised to strengthen national unity – Akpabio 


President of the Senate, Godswill Akpabio has said the President Ahmed Tinubu-led government at the centre, is focused on ensuring that Nigeria remains an inseparable and indivisible entity.

He stated this in his remarks at the Interdenominational Church Service for the 2024 Armed Forces Remembrance Day celebration held at the National Christian Centre, Abuja, on Sunday. 

Akpabio, who held that the continued existence of the country lies in its rich cultural, religious and ethnic diversity, called on the people to embrace unity, stressing the resolve of the present administration to redouble its efforts in securing the country.

The number one lawmaker paid glowing tributes to members of the armed forces who fell in the quest to make Nigeria remain one, stressing that their labour would never be in vain.

Akpabio also asked the Christendom and other stakeholders in the Nigerian project to join hands with the Tinubu government as well as the nation’s armed forces to tackle the issues that have threatened the co-existence of the country.

He said, “The unity of Nigeria came at a great price. The sustenance and defence of this unity rests on the shoulders of the men and women of the Armed Forces, and the true weight of loss is carried by the families and dependents of these fallen heroes. If only we could share the pain they feel, then we would truly understand the imperative of eschewing insecurity and violence in all its forms.

“The year 2023 was an eventful one, marked by general elections and a change in leadership. Our nation is still grappling with the effects of long-overdue multisectoral reforms needed to propel us forward and position Nigeria among the great nations of the world. 

“I urge for support to the government of His Excellency President Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, during this crucial time as we strive to achieve the Nigeria of our dreams. In this regard, I reiterate the President’s assurance that “our tough times will not last,” and we should renew our hope in a great Nigeria.

“Now is the time for all stakeholders to set aside our differences, regardless of religion, ethnicity, or political affiliations, and come together to strategize on the way forward for this great nation that our gallant men and women of the Armed Forces paid, and continue to pay, the ultimate price to preserve. 

“It is also a time for sober reflection, to take stock of past events such as the civil war, and to reflect on current challenges like the war on insurgency, incessant attacks on innocent Nigerians, the spate of kidnappings across the country. We must reflect on their causes and work together to prevent future occurrences.”