FG distributes farms implements at 75 % subsidy

About 80 irrigation pumping machines, two reapers and two threshers were distributed to farmers, at subsidised prices by the federal government.
Flagging off the sales of the items, Director Agriculture Transformation Agenda (ATA), Dr. Jibril Audu said as part of the government commitment to boost food productions, the items were subsidized at 75 % to support the farmers to acquire them.

According to him, the irrigation pump with complete accessories would cost N 20,000 while the Reaper will cost N 258,000.
He said the federal government had since the commencement of the programme in 2012, supported about 103, 265 dry season farmers in the state with various farm implements.

The Director added that about 545, 747 bags of NPK fertilizer, 460, 298 bags of Urea, 12, 287 bags of Crystallizer, 76, 106 kgs of Agrolyzer were distributed to the farmers at 50 % subsidy.
Similarly, about 4, 745.9 metric tones of high quality paddy rice seeds were also given to the farmers in the state free of charge.
Earlier in his address, the Commissioner of agriculture and natural resource, Alhaji Mohammed Arzika Tureta said sokoto state government has been supporting farmers through provisions loan and farm implements.

The commissioner, who was represented by Project Coordinator of IFAD, Alhaji Aminu Aliyu Dogon Daji, said Wamakko’s administration had last year disbursed the sum of N 2 billion free interest loan to the farmers in the state.