FG charges trade unions on peaceful coexistence


The federal government has tasked trade unions in the country to continue to maintain peace with one another for the growth and development of the country.

The Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Nkeiruka Noyejeocha, speaking when leaders of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW) led by its Acting President, Issa Ore, visited her ministry, said her ministry would ensure peace returns to the ranks of the conflict-ridden NURTW.

“Last year it was all gloomy faces but today I can see cheerful faces and everybody seems to be happy. That’s a good thing to happen in the new year and I wish all a happy and prosperous 2024; there will be no crisis in NURTW anymore.

“I assure you that if there is anything that is left undone as we speak, with your kind cooperation, it will be done. There is nothing that cannot be resolved. The truth of the matter is that we are all one in this country; Christians, and Muslims all worship one God.

“The president has said that he wants peace for the country. He also said that he is the driver while we the ministers and appointees of this government are the conductors for the whole of Nigeria, irrespective of ethnicity, religion or any belief. So I am the conductor and my duty is to make sure that everybody is in the right place.”

Speaking earlier, Comrade Ore said they were at the ministry to thank the minister for her efforts in ensuring justice, fairness and impartiality in the handling of the affairs of the Union, despite efforts by detractors to intimidate and ridicule the ministry’s efforts.

“In all of it, we remain grateful to the Ministry of Labour and Employment even from the time of His Excellency, Simon Bako Lalong, for choosing to tread the path of justice, fairness and impartiality in the handling of the affairs of our Union despite all effort by detractors to intimidate and ridicule your efforts,” he said.