FCT grants $4.5m to over 12,000 farmers

The Minister of State for the Federal Capital Territory, Ramatu Tijani on Thursday began the second batch  disbursement of $4.5 million Grant to 12,283 individuals farmers through the FCT COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (FCT CARES) programme.

Tijani while speaking during the disbursement in Gwagalada Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory noted that the Grant is another significant indicator of the unflinching determination of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration to lifting one million people out of poverty and to generally improve livelihoods and standards of living particularly for the poor and vulnerable households in Nigeria.

“It is gratifying to note that the federal capital territory administration has allocated the sum of $4.5 million to the FCT FADAMA CARES to implement 3 disbursement linked indicators out of the total allocation of $15 million made available to the FCTA by the world bank for the implementation of the FCT cares program.

“Sequel to this the FCTA and the World Bank has set a target for the FCTA FADAMA CARES PROGRAMME to provide grant support to about 12,283 individuals farmers and as well upgrade 17 wet markets across the Federal Capital Territory this is in addition to the significant resources being invested by the federal capital territory administration with a view to facilitating attainment of food and nutritional security in the federal capital territory”

The Minister noted that the grant aim at  improving food security and safe functioning of food supply in the federal capital territory and deliberately designed to support the livelihood activity of poor and vulnerable persons especially the women and unemployed youth.