Father used fingers to test daughter’s virginity, medic tells court

A medical practitioner, Dr Alagbe Oyedeji, Tuesday told an Ikeja Domestic Violence and Sexual Offences Court how a father allegedly used his fingers to test his 12-year-old daughter’s virginity and subsequently, defiling her.

Oyedeji, a consultant for the Mirabel Centre made the revelation at the trial of Emmanuel Idoko, a 37-year-old commercial motorcyclist for allegedly sexually assaulting his daughter with his fingers.

Oyedeji, is a medical doctor, who has worked for over 12-years at the Department of Family Medicine at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja.

While being led in evidence by Mr A.O. Alagbe, the state prosecutor, he said that Idoko’s daughter was referred to Mirabel Centre by the office of the Divisional Police Officer (DPO)  of Ketu Police Station on November 28th, 2017.

“The client declared in her history that her father though not married to her mother, had her and her male sibling living with him. Her ordeal started in 2016, a year before she was referred to the Mirabel Centre.

“She said her father came home and said he heard from people that she was no longer a virgin and he needed to test her to see if it was true.

“He forced her to undress and said he will use his finger to test her, the client was reluctant. He scolded her and eventually did it with his fingers.

“He also said that he would use his penis to examine her and she refused. He beat her and he subsequently, started torturing her in the home because she kept turning down his requests,” the doctor said.

Oyedeji said that Idoko’s daughter revealed that she was given soft drinks (Coke and Fanta) by her father, which made her fall asleep whenever she drank them.

He said: “She usually felt uncomfortable whenever she woke up in the morning. It was her sleepy nature that called the attention of her teacher who wanted to know why she was always sleeping in school.

“She had to reveal her ordeal to the class teacher, who initially did nothing. The experience persisted until she was in another class and her former teacher had to report to the new teacher.

“The new teacher had to take it up. The father was arrested and she was taken to a shelter, run by a Non-Governmental Organisation.”

Oyedeji said he conducted physical and systemic findings on the child, which revealed signs of physical and sexual abuse. He gave a detailed account of his findings to the court.
