FAO, WHO roll out top 10 most dangerous food-borne parasites

Culinary_fruits_front_viewFood and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) has identified and releases a list of “Top Ten” food-borne parasites of greatest global concern and new guidelines are being developed to control them.

The parasites affect the health of millions of people every year, infecting muscle tissues and organs, causing epilepsy, anaphylactic shock, amoebic dysentery and other problems. Some can live on in our bodies for decades.
Despite their huge social costs and global impacts, information is generally lacking regarding just where these parasites come from, how they live in the human body, and most importantly, how they make us sick.
As a first step in tackling the problem, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are initially focusing on the ten food borne parasites with the greatest global impact. The rankings contained in recent FAO-WHO report, Multicriteria-based ranking for risk management of food-borne parasites, are based on the parasites’ burden on human health and other factors, and includes information on where they can be found.

The top ten are: Taenia solium (pork tapeworm in pork), Echinococcus granulosus (hydatid worm or dog tapeworm in fresh produce), Echinococcus multilocularis (a type of tapeworm in fresh produce), Toxoplasma gondii (protozoa in meat from small ruminants, pork, beef, game meat i.e. red meat and organs) , Cryptosporidium spp.(protozoa in fresh produce, fruit juice, milk), Entamoeba histolytica (protozoa in fresh produce), Trichinella spiralis (pork worm in pork), Opisthorchiidae (family of flatworms in freshwater fish), Ascaris spp. (small intestinal roundworms in fresh produce), Trypanosoma cruzi (protozoa in fruit juices.
The list and supporting report were developed following a request by the global food standards body, the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), for FAO and WHO to review the current status of knowledge on parasites in food and their public health and trade impacts.
FAO’s food safety and quality unit and WHO responded by jointly organizing a global call for information on the problem.

Twenty-two nations and one regional body responded, followed by an assessment and analysis by 21 experts on the impact of food-borne parasites.
From this work, an initial list of 93 parasites was developed. The list was then narrowed down to the 24 most damaging parasites based on the following criteria: 1) number of global illnesses, 2) global distribution 3) acute morbidity 4) chronic morbidity and 5) economic impact.
The Codex Committee on Food Hygiene is now developing new guidelines for the control of these parasites. FAO and WHO are supporting the process by providing scientific and technical information.

The aim is to develop new standards for the global food trade that will help countries control the presence of these parasites in the food chain.
head of food safety and quality at FAO, Renata Clarke, said this top ten is a more general, global perspective and does not necessarily reflect parasite rankings at a national level where each country may have more precise information.

“But considering the problems they cause, these parasites do not get the attention they deserve. We hope that by releasing a top ten ranking we can increase awareness among policy makers, the media and the general public about this major public health issue,” she added.
The FAO-WHO report lists a number of ways to reduce the risk of parasite infections. For farmers, it advises the use of organic fertilizer, particularly on produce, should be closely monitored to ensure it is composted properly and all fecal matter is removed. Water quality must also be closely monitored. For consumers, it advises that all meat should be well cooked and only clean water should be used to wash and prepare vegetables.