Eyiboh debunks report on Senate office for Akpabio’s wife 


Hon. Eseme Eyiboh,  Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to the President of the Senate,  Senator Godswill Akpabio,  has debunked a report that an office has been created for the wife of the Senate President, Mrs Ekaette Unoma Akpabo, in the National Assembly.

Eyiboh in a statement issued in Abuja Monday said though  the story ordinarily should not have attracted a reaction on account of being illogical and originating from a well known biased author, but debunked since  it  was essentially built to malign and disparage the Senate President.

He said : “A story of 20 paragraphs on the creation of an imaginary office for the wife of the Senate President uses three paragraphs on the unfounded issue and the remaining 17 paragraphs for  recitation of unrelated fables and other innuendos.

“For emphasis to the unguarded who may be prone to the fake news merchandise , Mrs Ekaette Unoma Akpabio, has no office in the National Assembly and there is no intention towards that.

“Her only relationship with the National Assembly is that her husband is the President of the Senate and by virtue of that as with his predecessors, she is president of the Senators’ Wives Association of Nigeria (SWAN).”