Expedite action on Biu-Garkida -Gombi road repairs, lawmaker urges FG  

The member representing Hawul/Askira/Uba federal constituency, Borno state, Dr. Midala Balami has said the deplorable condition of the Biu-Garkida-Gombi road in Borno, spanning Adamawa state, has led to loss of many lives and property.

He said his motion on the floor of the house for urgent intervention by the federal government was to ensure that road is urgently repaired to forestall the suffering of the people plying the road.

Balami stated this Wednesday while briefing journalists in Maiduguri on the need to expedite action by the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu-led administration. 

This is as significant legislative development took place same day at the floor of the house, when the bill for the establishment of a Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery in Hawul local government area of Borno state, sponsored by the lawmaker successfully passed its second reading.

The only Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) lawmaker in the whole of Borno said, despite the contract awarded for the reconstruction of the about 127km road in the year 2020 by the federal government, there was no significant progress made, leading to loss of lives, injuries, and damage to vehicles and properties of commuters almost on a daily basis.

“As I speak, the 127-km Biu-Garkida-Gombi border road between the two states of Borno and Adamawa has been a nightmare for motorists and commuters for over three decades.

“This road which was built in the late 1970’s serves over a dozen communities of farmers and herders,” he said.

Lamenting motorists’ agonies, Balami commended his colleague Hon. Muktari Aliyu Betara, member representing Biu/Shani/Kwaya-Kusar/Bayo for seconding the motion, and the speaker of the Federal House of Representatives, as well as all his colleagues for their unflinching support, in which, the matter was referred to Committee on Works and Legislative Compliance for further legislative action.