Emulate spirit of sacrifice, Fintiri urges Muslims


Governor Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri of Adamawa has facilitated with the people of the state and Nigerians on the occasion of this year’s Eid-el-Kabir with a call on the Muslim Ummah to emulate the spirit of sacrifice, obedience and righteousness as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim and Prophet Ismail.

The governor gave this charge Sunday in his message to the people of the state in a press statement made available to journalists in Yola.

 The statement signed by the chief press secretary to the governor, Humwashi Wonosikou, prayed for the blessings and mercies of Allah to be upon believers.

 The governor urged them to uphold the values of compassion, generosity and forgiveness in their dealings.

“As Muslims celebrate this significant festival, I urge you to emulate the spirit of sacrifice, obedience and righteousness exemplified by the prophetic example of Ibrahim and Ismail. I also pray that the blessings of Allah be upon the faithful and that the values of compassion, generosity and forgiveness be upheld,” he said.

Fintiri encouraged the citizens not to be discouraged with the current economic reality and hardships being experienced in the country. 

He said Nigerians should pray hard and  have confidence in the  ability of the country’s political leaders at all levels to tackle the various challenges the country is going through and reset it on the path of prosperity, economic growth  and rapid development. 

 He stated further that Nigerians irrespective of their differences should work together to build a brighter future for all, adding that with faith, perseverance and sacrifice,  we can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

He urged Nigerians to draw their strength from their diversity and shared humanity and assured the people of the state of his administration’s commitments to protect lives and properties, promote peace, unity and development of Adamawa state and Nigeria as a whole.

He wished the Muslim Ummah a joyous celebration.