Edo: Traders seek monarch’s intervention in proposed market demolition



Traders in the popular Ekiosa market in Benin City, Edo state, have appealed to Oba of Benin, Ewuare II, to prevail on the Edo state government to halt the planned demolition of the market.

The traders’ appeal came on the heels of the government’s 2-week ultimatum handed down to traders at Oba market and ekiosa market to take shelters in other markets for their trading activities.

The ultimatum according to the government was to make way for the rebuilding of the markets.

Major parts of markets were razed by fire in 2019.

Spokesperson for the traders who staged peaceful protest to the Oba Palace in Benin City, Mrs. Blessing Owie, said the government planned action on the markets will send traders into indebtedness and penury.

She added that many of the traders had obtained loan facilities to reconstruct their shops when government intervention was not forthcoming, after the fire disaster.

Blessing appealed to Oba Ewuare II to request the State government to provide a perimeter fencing, gate and standby fire service station in the market as alternative to the planned demolition.

The spokesperson also appealed to the Oba to send a delegation of Chiefs to the market for an on-the-spot assessment of the markets in order not to leave anyone in doubt.

According to her, “we were excluded from the State government N100 million livelihood support loan meant for traders who incurred losses in the disaster.

“Each trader was made to pay N20, 000 levy for security before permission was given to rebuild the shops with blocks. We have widows, single mothers and breadwinners amongst us,” she stated.